i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Sharon: Ok! (:
Amy: Hey babe, i use Ettusais's foundation.
Blusher, i'm use Shu uemura, love the wide range of colours
they have to pick from, i alternatively use my
Jill Stuart Mix compact blusher too. (:
Passerby2: I wish i could! But the photogrpher seems
very busy and he haven't send me the pictures yet. Sigh.
Sam: Daniel Yam?
Passerby: Hahahs, i have 2 American
(otherwise known as English cavy),
2 Abyssinian/peruvian,
And another one is a Teddy!
Hahahas, i wonder why must they have
such fancy breed names. :x
Min: Hahahas, i always put my status as Busy on msn one.
but most of the time i'm always there. :x
Jane: Lol, what do you think?
Of cos don've lah!
Vion: aspirin mask for beautiful skin. (:
dissolve 2 tab of aspirin with afew drops of water,
add 2 squirts of honey, mix, and spread on face,
Leave on for 15 mins and wash.
Can double it as a face scrub! (:
Felicia: Auntie~ you very kua zhang!
use wrongly "de" only then must go chinese tuition!
You very free hor! LOL!
Yo: Oh hello! and it seems to me that
you're just a disgusting perv.
1st thing i've blog about:

Birthday Birthday Birthday~!

My 18th birthday is coming back soon toooo!
5th July! 5th July! 5th July! 5th July!
25 more days! :D
And i came up with a birthday wishlist!
You know, i really hate thinking of
what birthday present to buy.
And i rather my friends would tell me what they want
for their bday instead of me guessing and
trying to hit the jackpot and buying sth
that she/he might not even like.
One thing, i hate display item!
Please don't get me stuff like those Precious Moments figurine,
My room is full of this kinda stuff and i totally don't need more!

- Jill Stuart Brillance Eye
- Jill Stuart lip gloss in fairy pink
- Jill stuart moist silk foundation
- Jill stuart fragrance
- DiorShow mascara in Black
- M.A.C Prep + Prime Eye
- YSL 'Volume Effet Faux Cils' Luxurious Mascara in black
- Le 2 de Guerlain Mascara in Black
- Nitendo Wii
- Sony DSC W120/P
I wish brands like Lavshuca, Lunasol
would be readily available in singapore,
And i wish there would be a nice soul out there
to paint a mural on my wall for me,
Bunny Blossoms, 好可爱哦…

Anyway, the other day i saw this email Chris sent me.
It's oooozing, overflowing with cuteness.
Kawaii ~


(Click to enlarge)
Baby Meeko, 今天在帮babies冲凉的时候,
Some crazy woman dug me out from bed at what,
9am, and ask me to meet her at 10am
to go shopping with her before her work shift starts at 3pm!
WTF right?! Somebody should go bang
some sense into this crazy woman!
Hahahas, okay, just messing around, joooooking.
Anyway, i was like a zombie can.
After shopping around at Vivocity for like maybe 1 hour,
She was walking all over the place and such a freaking fast speed.
Early morning shopping + speed walking = super zombie.
We finally settled down at Corduroy Cafe for brunch.
She was like, "wth fidelis, why you bring me to
eat such an expensive breakfast?!
HAHAHAHAS, damn funny can!

I had camomile tea while she had a cuppa mocha.
Miss crazy seems to think that camomile tea taste like colgate.
LOL! =.=
We're totally sugar bunnies,
And we finished all the sugar provided for our table.

She hates the dijon mustard in the sandwich but i love it.

Ok, I've got marketing class test tomorrow,
Shall go mug for abit.
Before i go, another two pictures from the
evening gown shoot with Nightwolf 75

I've been webcaming darling for hours
every night for the past two days,
I miss him soooo much! i wish he comes back fast. (:
Like, NOW.
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves! ♥
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